A Zoopla house price estimate offers an insight into what your home could be worth and it's designed to help guide you in making your next best move. 

Estimates are generated from our Automated Valuation Model (AVM) which is powered by Hometrack, who are the UK's biggest automated valuer of residential property. This model gives an accurate picture of property prices with increased coverage of homes across the UK.

Can the Zoopla estimate be removed?

As our estimates are based on publicly available data, we don't tend to remove estimates on individual properties. However, there are individual cases where we can suppress your current estimate from displaying on our live website, if you believe there is an inconsistency in the current estimate for your home.
For more information on Can my estimate be suppressed, click here.

The information we have is about your property (an object), not you (a person). This means our estimates fall outside the rules of storing personal information outlined in GDPR.

If you would like to contact Customer Support regarding the suppression of this data, or if anything displayed is incorrect, click Chat below and the virtual assistant will assist you, ahead of us investigating the issue.


Please be assured that our estimates are just that: estimates. They are not the same as a formal house price valuation from an estate agent or surveyor.
For a comprehensive valuation, you'll need to contact an estate agent who'll be happy to provide a more accurate valuation as they can conduct a visit and take into account more property information, including features, exact location and market conditions. Contact a local agent here