A Zoopla house price estimate offers an insight into what your home could be worth and it's designed to help guide you in making your next best move. 

Estimates are generated from our Automated Valuation Model (AVM) which is powered by Hometrack, who are the UK's biggest automated valuer of residential property. This model gives an accurate picture of property prices with increased coverage of homes across the UK.

What does the estimated price range mean

The Estimate range shows an approximate lower and upper limit of what your home could be worth today. The Zoopla estimate itself usually falls somewhere in the middle of these limits. In other words, there’s no one selling price for your home.

Estimated price range.png

We provide confidence ratings that describe the accuracy of our estimates. They are based on:

  • The freshest data from HM Land Registry and Registers of Scotland
  • The number of properties like yours that have recently sold in your area
  • Recent survey information

If your confidence rating shows:

  • 'Low Confidence’ - There are very few similar properties nearby and the data is less recent
  • 'Medium Confidence’ - There are a few homes like this in the area. The data we’ve received may be less up to date
  • 'High Confidence’ - There are lots of homes like this in the area and the data we’ve received is up to date

Local market conditions, the state of your property and your selling requirements (e.g. if you need a quick sale) impact the selling price.

As such, it’s always worth asking a few agents to come and value your home. It’s likely they’ll each give you different valuations, just like the estimated price range we show.

The scale of the Estimate range varies based on the quality of data available about your home. When less data is available, we show you a broader price range. When we have more data, the price range is narrower.


Please be assured that our estimates are just that: estimates. They are not the same as a formal house price valuation from an estate agent or surveyor.
For a comprehensive valuation, you'll need to contact an estate agent who'll be happy to provide a more accurate valuation as they can conduct a visit and take into account more property information, including features, exact location and market conditions. Contact a local agent here.

Check your house price estimate range

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To view your Zoopla estimate and Estimate range via My Home:

  1. Visit www.zoopla.co.uk
  2. Click My Home on the main navigation bar
  3. Type your full postcode and click Search
  4. From the dropdown menu, click on your Address
  5. Confirm whether you have a mortgage on this property or not, and if so when it ends
  6. Click Next step
    1. If you aren't signed in, enter your login credentials and click Sign in
  7. Our My Home landing page displays, where you'll enter your unique Property Details Page. The property will start being tracked with the assumption your relationship is the Homeowner


As the Homeowner, you can get a unique view of your property and an in-depth view of your local market. You're able to:

  • Edit your property details
  • View our Zoopla estimate and an Estimate range
  • View a local area map
  • See how your estimate's changed over the past two years, and also view our Rental estimate
  • Work out your equity
  • Explore the Local market including what's on the market near you, Similar properties for sale, Properties sold nearby and Local Amenities
  • View Area stats to check how your area's performing and see how it compares to the rest of the region, such as the average house prices and the time to agree a sale
  • View personalised guidance to help you prepare if you're Looking to sell
  • Get a local agent valuation


You must be signed in to your Zoopla account to view our Zoopla estimate, as well as content such as the floorplan, photos, and the archived listing

You can also view details and estimates surrounding anyone else's home in the United Kingdom.
For more information on How do I view details about a property, click here

Changing your house price estimate

Unfortunately, new data cannot be manually fed into the AVM, not by users, nor by ourselves. Therefore, we're unable to manually add or amend estimated price ranges.

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Why has my estimate disappeared?

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