How do I create email alerts and saved searches?

Setting up email alerts (property alerts) are a great way to keep up to date with properties coming on the market and a way to not miss that potential dream home, as you can receive summary emails of properties which might interest you, that match your search criteria.

On the other hand, you can save your property searches so that you can view and run them quickly, and these can also be configured to ensure you receive email alerts for when for when there are new properties in the UK that match your search criteria.

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This article includes: 

Creating email alerts

Email alerts are easy to set up, there's no limit to how many you can create, and they can be created for all the different departments on Zoopla.  


To create an email alert, you will need to be signed in to Zoopla  

  1. Visit
  2. Click Sign in
  3. Enter your login credentials and click Sign in
  4. Click your desired department; For sale or To rent
  5. Add in your search criteria
  6. Click Search 
  7. At the top right of your search results, click Create email alert


  8. A window appears confirming the details of your email alert. Scroll down to Name your search and set the frequency of the alerts, then click Save your search and alert
  9. A Success message appears confirming your email alert has been created. You can then return to your search results or choose to manage your email alerts
    For more information on Managing my email alerts and saved searches, click here

Creating saved searches

If you're searching for a property and have a 'go to' search criteria that you use, you can Save this search so that you can view and run it quickly. Saved searches can also be configured to ensure you receive email alerts for when there are new properties in the UK that match your search criteria.


To save a search, you will need to be signed in to Zoopla  

  1. Visit
  2. Click Sign in
  3. Enter your login credentials and click Sign in
  4. Click your desired department; For sale or To rent
  5. Add in your search criteria
  6. Click Search 
  7. At the top right of your search results, click Save this search


  8. A window appears confirming the details of your saved search. Scroll down to Name your search and set the frequency of the alerts, then click Save your search and alert
  9. A Success message appears confirming your search has been saved. You can then return to your search results or choose to manage your saved searches
    For more information on Managing my email alerts and saved searches, click here

If you want to run any of your saved searches:

  1. Visit
  2. Click Sign in
  3. Enter your login credentials and click Sign in
  4. Click Account
  5. Click Searches and alerts
  6. In the Saved searches and alerts section, in the Actions column, click View to run the search

You can also create saved searches as new email alerts based on prior searches you have made:

  1. Visit
  2. Click Sign in
  3. Enter your login credentials and click Sign in
  4. Click Account
  5. Click Searches and alerts
  6. In the Recent searches section, searches you have previously run will appear in this list. In the Actions column, click Save to save the search as a new email alert
  7. You can Name your search, and select the frequency that you wish to receive email alerts for when there are new properties in the UK that match your search criteria
  8. Click Save search

Related articles:

Managing my email alerts and saved searches