How companies can communicate with you and why is a personal preference. Many companies hide their email preferences section but you can choose how Zoopla can communicate with you from your own Settings.
If you wish to unsubscribe from general marketing emails and stop some or all emails received from Zoopla, you can do so from within your Email preferences.
- Visit
- Click Sign in
- Enter your login credentials and click Sign in
- Click Account on the main navigation bar
- Click Settings
- Alongside Email preferences, click Manage
- Tick the relevant email types to toggle whether to receive them or not. Your email preferences will update immediately
Below, you have the option to Unsubscribe from all of the above.
(This will not remove your Zoopla account)
Whilst you'll no longer receive general marketing emails, you may still receive emails relating to properties coming on to the market if you've got email alerts set up, or for properties that you're tracking
If you wish to not receive these too:
- Click Account on the main navigation bar
- Click Saved searches
- Below each alert, click the bell icon
- Re-set the frequency of the alert to Never
- Click Save my preferences
- Alternatively, to delete an alert or saved search, locate the search or alert you want to delete and click the bin icon in the lower left corner
- Then, click Account on the main navigation bar
- Click Tracked properties
- Below each of your tracked properties, click the bell icon to turn off email updates
- All emails sent by Zoopla include unsubscribe options as well
- You can only unsubscribe on the website, not the Zoopla app